Sun 22 Jan, 2006 09:59 pm
I have only 3 clues left to solve thanks to this wonderful site.
They are 40A. Christmas treats? Found a thousand scattered pieces (5,4)
I have ??n?e?i?s.last four letters could be bits but I am not sure.
Next 41A. Fargo makes a substitution- brings in duck to sacrifice (5) I have f?r??
Next 38D.
Sky around Missouri briefly hazy with fumes. I have ???k?. The k comes from 44A where I have keystroke as the answer. perhaps this is wrong!!
Thanks for the help
Tuesday :wink:
Hi Tuesday
These are my answers:
40a = mincepies
41a = forgo
38d = smoky
Perhaps someone else could verify my findings.
40a - a thousand = M + IN + scattered (trigger for anagram) PIECES = CEPIES
= MINCE PIES (Christmas treats)
41a - Fargo with a substitution (something in Fargo will be changed) brings in duck (= 0)
= FORGO (to sacrifice)
38d - sky + around (some of "sky" will begin the word and some will end it ie or Sk..y. Abbreviation for Missouri is MO
= SMOKY (hazy with fumes)
Its a pleasure!
Hi Lezzles
Thanks for that, you've done well.
regards Dutchy.
Thank you Dutchy and Lezzles You can always be relied on to supply the answers. Sometimes I feel a bit of a dill when the answers are explained perhaps my mind is not twisted enough yet.
Thanks again
No trubs Tuesday!
Perhaps "Twisted" is just the word to describe us.
See you soon.