Thu 19 Jan, 2006 10:45 am
Five weeks ago I rescued a kitten took him to the vet was about 10wks old and in good health he received his first shots. four weeks later he was showing signs of not eating or drinking he would no longer play. I took him to the vet he had a fever of 104.3 the vet tested his blood and could find no cause for fever. He put him on antibiotics for 10days and said it could be viral. Two days later I had to rush in to the vet he was not responding to me (very lifless), his fever had spiked to 106 the vet gave him a shot of steroids to bring his fever down, he would only eat if I keep bugging him and only from my hand, he drinks lots of water and was useing his litter box normally, his fevers have gone down day by day and it has been almost a week. But now his stomach is bloated it is not hard to the touch and does not seem to bother him if touched, but he is not pooping regular as before I realize he does not eat much to have to poop but he has not eaten much at all in the past week maybe 5-15 pieces of dry food a day. Does anyone have any suggestions on what my be the propblem he is a great little guy but it is so hard to see him like this. He has a vet check up tomorrow and will ask about the stomach bloating. I just keep praying he will get over what ever it is he has and be a healthy playful kitten.
Welcome to A2K, llaustin.
Momma Angel had a thread that was kind of the same:
You might read that thread to see what she learned. I know one of the big symptoms was bloating.
Good luck with your kitty!
I hope I am wrong
thank you for your reply, I have been doing some research and I think my kitten has FIP, he has all the signs pot-bellie, difficult breathing,weight loss, lethargy, loss of appetie, and unknown fevers, i am going to bring this up to the vet tomorrow, I hope I am wrong.
Don't be too quick to buy into the FIP diagnosis. I would bring it up to the vet though. He can run a test to find out for sure and hopefully, rule it out. It may be that, but it might not be. The little kitten that boomerang is talking about that I had had coccidia. Antibiotics did clear it up. I would get the kitten in right away if you can. There is always the possibility it has some kind of blockage. The most frustrating thing about rescues is you have no idea as to their history, especially medical. I run a cat shelter and run into this all the time.
If you can get the kitten to the vet today, I would. I trust my vet completely so I always go with what he says. Please keep us updated on this little one. I will be saying a prayer for you and the little one.