Fri 18 Apr, 2003 06:57 pm
a "marketing as good as it gets" bonehead award,
goes to Swedish firm, Ikea, for naming a child's bunk bed "Gutvik"
which means "Good f***" in German. Not a good naming choice for a
child's bunk bed. And something that should have been checked before
introducing the bed into the German market.
from Bonehead of the Day
garn - we all make peccadilloes....
Really? that's not the word i was taught. (not even the word my cousins taught me)
Well, the
Rude Food Web site provides lots of examples of incompatibility of different languages with Englsih...
In a very wide sense of the word... VIK- meaning bay in swedish, pronounced vee-ee-k, or such like! Pronounced with an f, as the germans do, it makes a fick... which means f***
But what it really means in swedish is Good Bay, or Safe Harbor, and thus makes it an appropriate name for a childrens bed!
Okay, so what does Ludwig mean?
Ahem.. since it's not in my IKEA catalogue, I don't have the foggiest! LOL
... wasn't that the bavarian king/emperor that walked into a lake, just to decide he didn't want to swim that day?
I beieve there was a a king in Bavaria of that name.
Rolls Royce didn't sell many of the Silver Mist model in Germany, either
True, like when Chevy tried to sell the Nova in Mexico...