I am sorry but I cannot accept that the night sky is dark. It is only dark becase of the mechanical nature of light and our eyes. ie. an optical illusion!
An infinite Universe must have a star every line of sight. This has been shown to happen by the various Cosmic Microwave Background Expeditions. (CMBE)&Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Emission (CMBRE) probes.
We can not "see" the microwaves but CMBRE showed that they exist within very close values all over the sky.
I suspect that the microwave background emissions are merely light from celestial objects which have been redshifted to the microwave spectrum due to the effects of space-time. Space-time is a function of gravity and distance.
It seems that the difficulties in arriving at a value for (describing) the "Hubble Constant" may stem from the fact that it does not exist except as an optical illusion. Theology has a similar problem in describing God.
If you maintain that a "Big Bang" occurred when light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation itself has been shown to "red shift" simply due to the effects of gravity and distance then lets look for the pot of gold that is reputed to exist at the end of the rainbow.
Another objection that the "Big Bangers" have is the fact that an infinite Universe would be very hot. My answer to this is the existence of "Black Holes". They have been fairly well shown to exist, simply as a result of interactions between gravity and mass, and in effect they would act as huge repositories of mass and energy (interchangable on this scale {E=Mc squared}) .
Frankly IMO the Big Bang-Expanding Universe theory has very little more to commend it than the "Creation" or "Intelligent Design Theories".
Since we have no good evidence of either a beginning or an end to the Universe at this point I (and talk 7200) are forced to conclude that it may well be infinite and eternal.
Happy Thoughts