Tue 3 Jan, 2006 08:42 am
Apart from Klein's bottle, Mobius strip and Boy's Surface what other manifolds we have in higher dimensions?
Mobius strip has several uses like giant Mobius strips are used as conveyor belts that last longer and as continuous-loop recording tapes (to double the playing time). Also very common in the manufacture of fabric computer printer and typewriter ribbons coz it allows the ribbon to be twice as wide as the print head yet both half-edges are used evenly.
But what about other manifolds? How can they be useful in a 3D world of humans? I literally see no use of Klein Bottle or Boy Surface.
Coz when we talk about Mobius strip, we have ultimately folded a 2D surface (strip) into a 3D structure by a twist. So as we have a stereoscopic (3D) vision, we could make use of it.
But is it that our 3D imagination has restricted us from performing technological use of higher dimensional manifolds? They can so much usefulÂ…
No use for Klein Bottles ?
Are you mad ?
I keep Smarties in mine
What do you mean, IN? There IS no inside.
Welllllllll obviously I meant that the Smarties are bounded by a surface that they cannot reach around due to the limitations placed on their natural movement modes by the force of gravity.
Vengoropatubus wrote:What do you mean, IN? There IS no inside.
My Klein bottle has no OUTSIDE.
I keep all the smarties in the world in mine.
Ahhhh HA !
that's where all my Smarties have disappeared to ?