Tue 3 Jan, 2006 02:38 am
A word of seven letters five of which are "A"
This has given me a headache
ABRACADABRA has five As and six other letters which make seven is as close as I can get.
Well done, the closest I got was banana.
Nice thinking but this word only has 7 letters 5 of which are "A"
as in 'Lord Ellpus baaaayed at the moon on Thursdays... aaaaaye laddy, that he did!'
Yes, it is an English word.
The closest I have been able to get so far is:
Aasiaat- 4th largest town in Greenland.
Will keep looking for you Don1
Regards, Butterfly
butterfly wrote:The closest I have been able to get so far is:
Aasiaat- 4th largest town in Greenland.
Will keep looking for you Don1
Regards, Butterfly
Thank you butterfly, Ellpus I'm not entirely convinced that Ahaaaah is a real word.
Down South
Am I missing something or is "alabama" the obvious answer?
That's close, but the word need 5 x 'a' and 2 other letters.