taking sips - small stick gut you know.
Ticomaya wrote: I'm feeling a little thirsty.
Geeesh! I read that and I thought it said "frisky" instead of thirsty.
I was gonna offer to help you out with that, Tico, till I realized what it said. :wink:
I'm feeling a little frisky.
Well, happy new year, y'all. i'm already in 2006. just got back from a small party and am heading to bed. my friends are all married with kids too, except for one, who, like me, is making a career out there in the states. so, two of us, vs. a few couples with kids (kids were deposited at various grandparents though). fun, if very mellow. then again, i'm getting to an age when i can mellow down a bit. i'll be 30 this coming year. gasp. good night and enjoy.
Happy New Year Dag, good to see ya.
wowser the beautiful girls are here now!!!!
well hello, dag and brooke, enjoy the party
Sitting here.......with a red nose and my kleenex. *sniffle sniffle* On my 3rd day of the flu.

Staying home tonight. But feeling better.
But, I'm sure Dag is lovely!!!!
happy new year, boyz. and good night.... if i can kick the bloody cocker spaniel outta my bed.
if it was just a regular spaniel (ok, that just don't work in english... spaniel and spaniard are one and the same word in slovak), there could be some room for negotiations, but this one's too furry, with a smelly breath.
Hi DJ....

loves parties where I don't have to get all dressed up.
oh, brooke, i'm on my fourth (or fifth?) day. today is the first day i felt slightly human again. though tired now again. gnight for real.
Ahhhhhhhh.........sorry, Dag.
I can't get the darn cork outta my wine bottle.

I'm lookin at that wine and the more I look at it the more I wanna drink. Dang corks. Why can't they just put a screw type lid on it.
Mumbles and tries again.
Well, nobody's actually INVADED anybody in 2006 yet.
But, it's looking just as conflictual etc.
as a last resort you may just have to break the neck off the bottle
i would suggest you use some kind of strainer when you pour the winw to remove any bits of glass
hello rabbit, happy new year
dlowan wrote:So....DRINK UP!
At 12:49 pm & suffering from the after effects of heat stress? Are you mad?
Just popping in to wish all of us all a very good 2006! May it be a
huge improvement on 2005!
and is conflictual a real word, is that just more of that aussie speak
<say bruce, how's about we chuck a few more dingoes on the barbie, we need to thin out the herd, they been gettin' conflictual lately>
and now the cat, happy new year msolga
djjd62 wrote:and now the cat, happy new year msolga
And a happy one to you, too, possum! I see from your new avatar that you're really having a
wild celebrating!