For a while there, the medical spending account was sending paper checks, but I've found that if you write them a nice note, they're more than willing to do direct deposit. It all shows up in maybe a week.
Right now, I use checks for 3 things: mortgage (because I pay extra principal, so I have to specify where all the cash goes, but I believe they have an online option there so I will probably look into that soon. Only thing is, I'd have to remember to pay them via the mortgage company's website, rather than my own bank's site. Not a big deal unless your brain is fried.

), a company I get monthly stuff from and need to specify whether I want something specific (they may also have an online option; again, the thing is, this wouldn't be through the bank so it's another little thing to remember) and gift checks. My bank can even set me up so that checks to individuals can go through them; I may set up my folks' and brother's info there as these are pretty much the only people we ever actually send checks to. Oh, one more place, the paper delivery guy, for the tip. But the actual newspaper is paid for online.
It's just easier. I hate all of the paper and I hate the stack of stuff waiting to be done at the end of the week if it can't be done online. Online, I can quickly do things at work, but offline means it waits for the weekend when I'm at home, near the stamps and address labels and all of that happy stuff.
Newtonville? I dun live in Newtonville.