timberlandko wrote:(Note: No endorsement implied, use at your own risk. Some folks have encountered significant inconvenience, major disappointment, considerable dismay, and additional expense. Enjoy.)
I bet that the guy who sold you the gear didn't tell you that it would only play DVD's released for your region/area.Or didn't you know that film companys stagger the release date for all the regions/areas of the world? You have found out the hard way.Due to lack of this info,you didn't check up/read about the product that you eventually bought.
Us guys in Europe were always trying to get the latest blockbuster films released on DVD as soon as possible.They were ALWAYS released in the US first so we had to make sure our DVD players could handle discs from outside our Region.So at great expense,we imported players from your side of the pond.Then,enterprising companys found out how to "chip" players to play ANY dvd from any region.You guys in the States took it for granted that ALL films would be available to you first.How times have changed.Just as an instance,Scrubs(TV),all 3 series released in U.K.(Region 2),weeks befor U.S.(Region 1)......all the Harry Potter films....etc.
Over here,I can pick up a player for £35 ($60) that will play ANY dvd from ANYWHERE in the world.
Tell your friends,befor they part with their money,to ask if the DVD player/DVD drive is