Tue 15 Apr, 2003 02:01 pm
Abuzz was once a magnificent cybership - created by dreamers, launched by the bastion of Liberalism, and designed to attract the most graceful & intellectually curious people to it's classrooms, lounges, and auditoriums. In time, Abuzz became a beacon in the darkness and vastness of cyberspace, attracting the most lively and diverse group of people in the cyberverse - its classrooms, lounges and auditoriums bustling with the buzz of civilization. Unfortunately, the dream was short lived.
Unnoticed by everyone, and despite the considerable skills & dedication of its creators, the cybership Abuzz was launched with a fatal flaw (probably overlooked as a result of failing to take human nature into account). The flaw allowed unscrupulous visitors to assume the identities of other visitors - which contributed to rotting the fabric of civility that made Abuzz viable. Economic circumstances prevented its owners from fixing the flaw, and in addition were forced to reduce the cybership's crew to the bare minimum. The holes in the fabric appeared faster than the besieged crew could patch them, and little by little, the cybership Abuzz descended into chaos. Not random chaos, but the premeditated kind that can only be a result of war - this time a concerted attack on Liberalism on its home turf.
The cybership Abuzz became a battleground in the ideological war between Conservative and Liberal extremists. What once were lively classrooms, lounges, and auditoriums were turned into trenches, sniper's nests, and bombed out rooms. The civilized buzz of the bustle was replaced with searing static, punctuated with the harsh screams of blind conviction. The best of the buzzers abandoned the burning cybership in droves, leaving behind only shell-shocked diehards, gawkers, soldiers, and the occasional melancholy visitor.
Today, Abuzz floats crippled in the vastness and darkness of cyberspace. It is no longer the beacon of civilization it once was, and probably never will be again. It is a victim of our times.
Feel free to elaborate on or rewrite this story, or contribute the story of the Cybership A2K.
Hi, Violet. Your avatar is beautiful. When Abuzz became a mere message board, I knew that the end was near.
Thanks Letty, I hate to admit it, but I plucked it from someone else's garden. I don't remember where...
BTW, Letty, I know what you mean, but the truth is that Abuzz will never be a mere message board as long as the New York Times hangs its logo above the door.
Abuzz was intentionally attacked by neo-conservative radicals connected with, I suspect, the Scarif (sp?) foundations. It has always been my suspicion that some of it came out Dartmouth University because of the juvenile quality of many of the posts, It sounded like undergraduate drivel . I think it was attacked because of its liberal bent but also because it was connected with the New York Times, perceived by radical conservatives as the ultimate symbol of the "liberal" establishment. The attack succeeded and that should worry people because it was a deliberate attempt to shut down public debate It is now a shell of its former self there are very few posts and most of those are by the attacker's who have the place more or less to themselves. What also worries me is that Abuzz may be the kind of public future the radical right has in mind for all of us.
Amen, Acquiunk. I don't know enough to guess who is responsible, but I agree with your observation.
IMO politics was not the overriding cause of the deterioration of Abuzz, but it was a factor. Lack of moderation, and the ability to assume other member's handles were the main factors that escalated the morbidity of Abuzz.
Many of the more thoughtful and politically astute folks on Abuzz were of the liberal persuasion. As the site deteriorated, the more intelligent members left, and the site it WAS taken over by radical right wingers.
It is my dream that on A2K a thoughtful person of ANY political persuasion can come and debate and discuss their views without fear of being harrassed or ridiculed. The only way that people can learn and grow is by hearing the entire spectrum of views, and making up their own minds. To keep listening to people with similar views can only reinforce what one believes in anyway. I want a site where people will THINK, consider, and make choices.
As far as a right wing conspiracy is concerned, I cannot buy that concept. No thinking person, even a staunch conservative, could possibly consider many of the political ravings on Abuzz as anything more than the irrationality of cuckoos and nutjobs!
I think that ultimately it was just a matter of pop goes the dotcom bubble. No money meant no staff meant no moderation meant loonies took over the bin.
I agree with Phoenix's dream for A2K. I think it's pretty amazing thus far, and much appreciation to all of those who have made it so.
A2K is the child of Abuzz... maybe a Noah's Ark of sorts. I see the best of what Abuzz was here.
BTW, if more than 1 nutjob is working for towards the same end, can it be considered a conspiracy? Maybe a conspiracy of nutjobs?
Hey, all. I still look back with fond memories. Originally, I was on the Realm and Abuzz at the same time. I once had an interesting theory that we were lab rats observed as a cyber community for purposes of extrapolation fostered by grant money. Hey, not a bad speculation.
At the time, not all was politics.
I, for one, am so happy that Letty joined Raven's Realm. Otherwise, I would have missed out on knowing (and being able to hug!) one of the most beautiful people I've ever met in my life.
Agree with your sentiments on Abuzz completely. What great idea gone to utter waste!

Watching the slow erosion was very sad ... But here we are at A2K!

That's gotta be a plus!!!
PS ... I agree with Letty ... Your avatar is GORGEOUS!
Thanks, msolga, it was the best violet I could find
Rae, you are my surrogate godchild and Craven is my surrogate grandchild. I think we just fell into each other and it was meant to be.
msolga and I really got to know each other on Abuzz through a marvelous exchange about good things that come out of the horror of war. I noticed tonight on the news that President Bush compared the occupation of Iraq to MacArthur's role in helping Japan, and the attempt at replacing Hitler's fallen regime with democracy.
We are here now, and I love it.
Goodnight, my friends. from Florida
I personally love my new home here at A2K and am soooo grateful to all of you who made it happen and continue to keep it civil :-D
Welcome Violet Lake to A2K. Abuzz became a nightmare for me and I could not stand to stay and watch something I once cared for so much implode.
Thankfully this sight came up and I have so many friends from Abuzz here and have found the freedom to interact without unwanted interference from childish impostors and trouble makers.
As Soz say,
Quote:no staff meant no moderation meant loonies took over the bin.