I LOVED Lincoln Logs!!! I built so many cabins that were going to be just like the one I was going to live in when I grew up. (Uh, yeah, that whole cabin idea flew out the window when I realized living without electricity wasn't so great!)
Never played with Barbies.
Built lots of forts in the snow, or made "houses" by putting a blanket over a table. My sister would do the same over another table and then we would be neighbors and come visit each other with our dolls. My favorite doll was a Timey Tell that I got around 1972 or 1973. I swear she was the cutest doll I've ever seen.
See her here
Most fun was playing like we were famous singers on the "Tonight Show" with Johnny. He always asked us to sit down AND to please sing another song.
I still have an active imagination.