Glue in elementary school that smelled soooooo good.
Little coke bottles.
Ditto machines.
Stilletto heels--ruined my feet forever because of vanity.
Having your period was called riding the rag.
Idlewild before it was renamed Kennedy. Idlewild was evocative of words such as romantic, faraway, exotic, dreams come true. It was before the cynical, tired white collar crowd.
Mini skirts, when I could wear one and look good.
bubble gum wrapped in waxed paper with little comics on one side.
Party lines---listening in as a bratty kid.
Roy Rogers and the Lone Ranger.
American Bandstand when it was new.
One of my jobs when I was a kid was to go fetch water from the stream. I still recall the fear in my heart as I raced toward the stream, the sky alive with pteradactyls and the bushes and trees filled with scaly, teethy creatures.
and you but a small scurrying thing the size of a shrew, scampering around the toes of brontosauruses, gustav, scary times indeed.
Dan Ried was the Lone ranger's nephew. His father was killed by Butch Cavendish's gang. Dan's grandson was the Green Hornet.
Hoop skirts.
Layers of petticoats.
DT haircuts.
Which soap kept you clean on all thirteen?
I knew them as DA haircuts (duck's ass, I guess).. they tended to make you look 'hoody'.
dyslexia wrote:I am a youngish fart, I quit remembering things years ago. (I wonder where my pants are?)

Must be embarassing if you have a wet fart, eh Dys? :wink:
25 cent movies
3 digit gas meters and they were in the basements
huge ice cream cones for dirt cheap
seeing the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show for the 1st time
working for $1.25 (Cdn) per hour at McDonald's
speaking of, "Grab a bucket and mop......"
I have no idea whether these were American, but if not, they should have been......
Civil War cards!
For a small amount of change, I could buy a flat packet (2 inch square?) which contained a square piece of bubble gum, and four of the goriest picture cards that you can imagine.
Pictures of Yankees fighting Confederates, with big spiky wheels being pushed down a slope, impaling the opposing force and causing blood to spurt from various puncture wounds.
Never seen the spikey-wheel one. You still got it? Trade ya a 4-card keel-haul series for it.
....having a length of string going up one sleeve, across my back inside my coat, and coming down the other, each end tied to a woollen mitten so they wouldn't get lost.
Having to wear a balaclava!
Ray guns that sent a shower of sparks out of the barrell when you pumped the trigger.
A small metal torch that had three lense covers (red blue and green) that could be moved into place by means of three slide buttons.
Wimpy cafes, where you could make yourself sick on hamburger and strawberry milk shake, when the only McDonald I knew was a miserable Scotsman who live round the corner.
Watching my nan remove a red hot poker from the fire and place it into her guinness, in order to "liven it up".
Having name tags in all of my school clothes, and still managing to come home after a swimming lesson, wearing my school pal's underpants.
School starting late one day, as everyone in the country had not gone to bed, due to the fact that "the Eagle had landed" live on TV, in the early hours of the morning (UK time).
timberlandko wrote:Never seen the spikey-wheel one. You still got it? Trade ya a 4-card keel-haul series for it.
If only we had kept this sort of thing......I bet they would fetch a pretty penny these days.
So Civil War cards WERE American? I hope added to the coolness of it all, back then.
Any of you REALLY old farts remember cotton stockings, worn with a garter belt?
Butter that was cut off a HUGE block?
Ration stamps (Now, THAT dates me).
78 RPM records
Potsy- The only equipment that you needed was a piece of chalk, and the top of a tin can, which was folded in half.
Telegrams...............which usually meant bad news.
When you made a long distance call, you had to wait for the operator to call you back. It took a long time to get your connection, and you only stayed on for a few seconds, because the calls were so expensive.
"Mad money"- The guys always paid for a date, and the girls would take a few dollars with her just in case they had a fight, and she had to go home by herself.
Forgetting to empty the pan under the ice Box and having water all over the kitchen floor.
The magnifier in front of the 10 inch TV screen to make it larger and how it distorted the picture if you did not sit directly in front of the set.
Our first refrigerator with the coils on the top.
When knickers were worn by boys annd long pants were for grownups.
DrewDad wrote:My first computer only had 48K of memory.
And a cassette-tape drive.
Remember Commodore Computers?
roger wrote:How about those little glow-in-the-dark thingies hanging from the light fixtures so you could find them in the dark?
I had a glow in the dark Jesus hanging over my bed.
talk about creepy
Finding Dad's stash of "Health and efficiency" magazines, where there were plenty of black and white photos oF women, eating muesli or playing badmington outdoors.