Always had full hot & indoor plumbing, with bathtub and flush toilet. Knew folks who didn't, went to school with plenty of kids from such homes, but thought none the less of them for it. Well, there was wierd Wally McKee and his creepy sister Heather, but their home ammenities had nothing to do with their wierdness; they were just natively wierd. Wierd household altogether, in fact. They lived with a spinster aunt and the aunt's really wierd, really old bachelor cousin - everybody called him Mean Old McKee. He useta work for the railroad, but lost a leg on the job long, long before I ever knew of him, or of that scary crutch he delighted in threatening kids with. We didn't go over there at all. They had a really strange, really ugly dog, too. Wally and Heather went on to become local celebrities of a sort, winding up serving seperate sentences of equal length. Considerable length, as I remember, dunno if they ever got out.
front of "the new wireless"
back of "the new wireless"
It still works too
I remember when i was young the world had just begun and i was happy