Always flapping his wings in a cheery friendly way.
Always looking for clues.
might have an oral fixation
Recently changed the avatar in an attempt to duck out...
A truly amazing deduction Holmes.
speaks with tongue-in-cheek on occasion, perhaps
Recently stopped being the Fool.
Obssessed with Pink Floyd and possibly Pigs (but just 3 different ones)
Are those Cuban cigars he's smoking?
Maybe he should engage Sturgis to solve the case of the nicked avatar?
Wise and sweet, not one to attack.
Claims to be an educator.
porch dancer (anything like a pole dancer?)
She's down under -- what?
he likes his latin bass ackwards
Is he Ticomaya's brother, or do they just both smoke the same brand of cigar?
An inquisitive guy who is close to the edge
Thinks naming himself after a ship will keep him afloat.
Thinks a famous Canadian is a U.S. ship