Man Hit in Head by Train for Second Time

Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 12:05 am
Is this anything like being struck by lightening? It's amazing that this fellow survived not only once, but twice!

A man who was struck in the head by a train this weekend was also hit in the head by a New York City subway car three years ago, officials said Monday.....

Man Hit in Head by Train for Second Time
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 993 • Replies: 26
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 03:25 pm
You know he brought this upon himself...if he stayed away from trains it would not happen.
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 03:28 pm
Now how in the hell do you get hit in the head TWICE by a train? Thats the kind of **** that happens to me.
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 03:43 pm
some people are just lucky I guess
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 06:55 pm
I've been trying to picture how such an accident would happen. Was he bending down to tie his shoelaces on a train platform when along zoomed the train? Rolling Eyes
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 08:39 pm
He must be doing it on purpose. To bad we could not have A2K interview were we could organize to have people like this to come on to A2k and we ask him Questions.

You would have to get close enough to the train as it was approaching and hold it there
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 09:28 pm
Amigo wrote:
To bad we could not have A2K interview were we could organize to have people like this to come on to A2k and we ask him Questions.

You know, you've just hit on a brilliant idea for a thread here on the board.

Here's how it would work:
Someone posts a story revolving around a main character, such as the one in this thread. Then, someone is designated to "play" that character in an A2K interview where we could all ask questions, and the character would have to answer to the best of their ability.

What do you think? Could be fun....
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 09:49 pm
so, Reyn, tell me, why did you decide to stick your head over the tracks?
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 09:51 pm
I had a bad hair day, and water just wasn't working to flatten my hair down! :wink:

Of course, then I had to deal with the ringing in my ears.

Anybody got any ideas how to deal with that?
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 09:52 pm
(remember, we're grading you on originality and creativity here)
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 09:52 pm
(ok, good start)
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 09:52 pm
Ya missed my answer, didn't ya?
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 09:53 pm
Reyn wrote:
Amigo wrote:
To bad we could not have A2K interview were we could organize to have people like this to come on to A2k and we ask him Questions.

You know, you've just hit on a brilliant idea for a thread here on the board.

Here's how it would work:
Someone posts a story revolving around a main character, such as the one in this thread. Then, someone is designated to "play" that character in an A2K interview where we could all ask questions, and the character would have to answer to the best of their ability.

What do you think? Could be fun....
That would be cool but if it bombed I would deny all involvement
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 09:56 pm
Amigo wrote:
That would be cool but if it bombed I would deny all involvement

So, does that mean I could take all the credit for starting it then? Laughing
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 09:57 pm
yep, first reply. Saw it, then second reply.

I have a friend who knits in time to music. An awed musician saw her sitting in the front row, and asked her if there was a video on how to do it. How did you learn train moussing? Seems to me the opportunities for on-the-job training are kind of limited.
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 10:02 pm
username wrote:
I have a friend who knits in time to music. An awed musician saw her sitting in the front row, and asked her if there was a video on how to do it. How did you learn train moussing? Seems to me the opportunities for on-the-job training are kind of limited.

"On-the-job training"! Laughing <hardy har har har!>

Well, with "train moussing" (as you put it), it's very much trial and error. As far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong here, there are no formal institutions to learn this kind of thing. It's a very much a do-it-yourself thing. Learn as you go, etc.

A thick skull in this line of training definitely helps!
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 10:23 pm
Your first two trial runs have not been exactly what one would call complete successes. Can you share with us what you've learned so far? And how do you intend to modify your technique for the third attempt? Are you planning on writing a textbook?
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 10:25 pm
Reyn wrote:
Amigo wrote:
That would be cool but if it bombed I would deny all involvement

So, does that mean I could take all the credit for starting it then? Laughing
No. If it's funny.It was all my idea. Mine, mine mine.
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 10:28 pm
Reyn, what kind of training did you get into before you let the train hit your head? And, is this some sort of performance art?
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Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2005 10:32 pm
Amigo wrote:
Reyn wrote:
Amigo wrote:
That would be cool but if it bombed I would deny all involvement

So, does that mean I could take all the credit for starting it then? Laughing
No. If it's funny.It was all my idea. Mine, mine mine.

So, who's going to start this fab idea? You or me?

It would look so much better if you did, as it was your idea! :wink: Laughing
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