Sat 19 Nov, 2005 12:25 pm
Musically what are the next letters and why?
I don't know!
But I found "CEM" is a publisher of hymnals
and "FES" is the name of a sacred music festival
and the best I could do on "FER" is First Experience Records which seems to deal with soul music.
Hi Denis
We're stuck on that question too! Good Luck in the CAB quiz!!
Come off it - you KNOW this isn't in the spirit of the CAB quiz.
Climb Every Mountain, Ford Every Stream
Follow Every Rainbow
Until You Find Your Dream
Was it "Until" or "Till"?
This is trivia Lezzy, not a Cambridge forum.
Agreed - but it would change the answer Don is seeking from UYFYD to TYFYD.
The general consensus on lyrics sites seems to be Till You Find Your Dream, making the answer TYFYD. Good luck fellow CAB quizzers!
I don't believe anybody worked that one out
What's a CAB quiz? Genuine question.
It's the Citizen's Advice Bureau (CAB) annual Christmas quiz. If you're outside the UK the Citizen's Advice Bureau is an agency which provides free advice largely to people who cannot afford afford a solicitor. They provide advice on areas such as Welfare Benefits, housing, debt, consumer, employment and immigration. The majority of advisers (outside London) are volunteers and many of them are retired. As a result you have a target audience for the quiz of very knowledgeable people and it is consequently very hard!
Oh cool, here I think they are just abbreviated to CB. They are kind of low-key here though.
But now I remember them for their signs which used to be the evacuation points for all public areas, supermarkets, schools etc.
What about : fgr, gal, sas, mam, ld, lal, pp ?