Thu 17 Nov, 2005 02:37 pm
Is all of the information on the Biology SAT subject test covered in a high school biology I class?
I think your teacher focuses attention on whatever he/she wants. For my high school AP Chem class, our teacher did organic chemistry all year. So I relied on independent study and prep books for the test.
As a former teacher (recently retired) I can tell you that not all information will be covered in your biology class. Trust me on this, I taught biology and other science courses. The truth of the matter is that there is no way to cram all the information into one or two semesters of classes.
You refer to Biology I, is this to say there is also a Biology part II? If so then clearly there is a ways to go. Follow the advice offered by Levi and do some independent study and immerse yourself in some prep books.
Thank you to both of you for your good suggestions. I will study some prep books to prepare myself for the test.
When are you planning on taking the exam?
Plenty of time for preparation, you should do fine.