Hi Dutchy,
Thankyou for your offer of assistance with the Lovatts November online Big crossword competition. I just went in to look at it again with fresh eyes and checked it through for spelling errors- didn't find any, so i started to look at any possible alternate answers that fitted the letters available. Luckily, I found where I had gone wrong-
for 'total' (3-2), I had put 'all-up' instead of 'add-up',
which then messed up another clue that crossed it.
For 'decree' I had the letters '?L?CT' which led me to put in 'elect', which is a synonym, but not the obvious and correct one - 'edict' (once the 'D' replaced the 'L')
So after all of that I found my 'balance'.

Wishing you the best of luck in all of the online competitions!
Talk to you again soon.
Warm regards, Butterfly