1.What protist has not been successfully cultivated in the laboratory?
2. Name an organism that has both plant and animal characteristics.
A quick review is that it is the subject of question 1
3. What compound is usually identified by the use of iodine?
One of the structural differences between plant and animal cells is a feature called chloroplasts. Guess what chemical they produce that reacts with iodine. Enough so that iodine can be used as an indicator.
4. What important gas is released during photosynthesis?
Respiration bad air in, good air out, photosynthesis the other way around.
5. Contrast photosynthesis and respiration.
Among other things see Question 4
6. Is movement characteristic of plant or animal cells? Explain.
In quick or slow time? Cause most plants move in slow time. So my answer is no.
7. Molecules are the smallest possible particles of any compound. Are water molecules more active in gas, in liquid or in a solid state?
Is this in relation to diffusion? Cause diffusion is almost directly related to mean free path in most material, and the mean free of a vapor is greater than a liquid and solid
8. Under what circumstances does osmotic pressure occur?
Fascinating topic, semi permeable membranes. These membranes are able to go against diffusion and concentration selectively allowing one material to pass while restricting others. One of the more available semi permeable membranes lines the insides of cackle berries.
9. Why do dried prunes swell when soaked in pure water?
Diffusion and concentration. Nature abhors a concentration gradient
10. Why do cucumbers and some other vegetables shrink when placed in salt water?
See previous two questions. Salt (NaCl) is at high concentration outside the veggie and at low concentration inside. Nature doesn't like that. She wants everything to be equal, but most veggies have a semi permeable membrane that prevents salt to enter. So nature's option is to get equilibrium by taking the water out. Consequence, it shrinks. BTW it would be interesting to try the dried prune experiment in salt water.
Rap c∫