Thanks, ci, for your pictures and your narrative. I went through it one page at a time. Fascinating. Johnboy happens to know your age. Keep on trucking, dude. Travel certainly keeps you young. Where are you off to next?
Hi realjohnboy, Thanks for your acknowledgement. I've been squeezing in as much travel as I can with my advancing age. In February, I'm off to Guatemala and Costa Rica, In the end of March, my travel buddy (a retired teacher I've traveled with twice so far) and I are off to South America to visit Peru (Lima, Cuzco, and Machu Picchu), Argentina (Buenos Aires), Brazil (Rio), and Igazzu Falls. On May 4, I'm off to Chicago for the a2k meet. At the end of May, I'll be going to Russia on a river cruise from Moscow to St Petersburg - my second one. My wife will be retiring at the end of March, so I'm sure we'll be planning some trips for the remainder of the year.
Thank you CI....just absolutely fascinating!! WOW
Thanks a lot for those reports and photos, c.i.!
Reminds me lots of things, CI. Especially those in Athens.
Taormina is one of my prefered in Sicily...
I suspect I'd like Taormina a lot.
This is where we had our last dinner.
Some of the restaurant staff.
cicerone imposter wrote:Another view from "up there."

This Theisium, the temple of Hephesteus (or however you call him in English). It is interesting because it is the only building from our Classical age which is about in the same condition it was when it was new.
Ellinas, Thank you for identifying the building. I know the map I used of Athens identifies many of the important sites, but I failed to look up this one.
cicerone imposter wrote:Ellinas, Thank you for identifying the building. I know the map I used of Athens identifies many of the important sites, but I failed to look up this one.

Which places did you visited other than Acropolis, Plaka and Pireas port?
You'll need to read that last part of this travelogue on Athens.