Tue 1 Nov, 2005 04:31 pm
Can you help with these cryptic clues?
A body of lissom attractiveness (4) S?m?
Small sort of car to spoil in street (5) S?a??
Revolutionary ship in which mare plays a key role? (5) C?e??
Publicity opening in December? (6) Could it be advert or advent???
Second arrangement of hair causes strain (6) ??r?s?
Many thanks
A body --- SOMA
Small sort ---- SMART
Public opening --- ADVENT
Second arrangment ---- stress
Bare Bones
For your third question I suggest CREAM
Hi Canada,
Publicity opening in December (6)
In december = advent ( the season including the four Sundays preceding Christmas)
publicity = ad
opening = vent
Hope this helps, good luck in your competition!
Regards, Butterfly
Hi Debbie,
Revolutionary ship in which mare plays a key role (5) c?e??
chess = in which mare plays a key role
Revolutionary = Che (Che Guevara - an Argentinian Revolutionary)
ship = SS
mare = knight (in chess)
Good luck!
Regards, Butterfly
Hi Debbie,
Second arrangement of hair causes strain (6) ??r?s?
strain = 'stress'
second = s
hair = tress
A body of lissom attractiveness (4) s?m?
A body = 'soma' (the body, as distinct from the soul, mind or psyche)
'soma' can be found within the words 'lisSOM Attractiveness'
Regards, Butterfly
Hi Debbie,
Small sort of car to spoil in street (5) s?a??
small sort of car = smart (The Smart is a small, two-person vehicle that has been cruising highways across Europe and Asia for seven years)
spoil = mar
street = st
Regards, Butterfly