Sat 22 Oct, 2005 03:39 am
I don't know if any other game with the same rules already exists, if it does inform me and I'll delete this post.
But I think this is new.
It is simple. The linking shall run something like this.
Abby bowed casually, didn't eat, fought, grimaced haughtily.
and the next person begins from I
Irish jackals killed lions.
Mind never obeys precautions...
So, did you get what type of links you have to create? They should be alphabetical.
1.There is no limit to maximum words you can incorporate
2.However, no one can submit a sentence of less than 4 words.
So, lets start.
My first post is
A boy can dance eccentrically.
Now start with f
Father gushed happily Impressed.
Join karate, learn mindfully.
No, other physical quest.
run, sharks tresspassing underway via water-tunels
Xerxes yanked Zenobia across beaches containing deadly eels.
Fatimah growles heinously-" i jilted King"
laughing merrily Nancy often pranced quickly remembering silly things.
Uncle Von wanted xylophone,yearned zealously and bought.
Cathy diets, eats fruit, gets health insurance.
jettison kit lying morbidly near oven
People quickly resist showing their underwear.
wonder: xmen yelling zealously all bare!
Crazy demons enter, fun, gory hunting in Janet's kitchen!
Look Monica, No organism progresses quietly
Robert stayed together under Veronica's watchful xeno yelling sex!
hey that was wrong! check it.....
Sorry, got carried away. *giggles*
Robert stayed together under Veronica's watchful xeno yelling Zechariah!
abby bestowed caresses diligently
Evening fellow ghouls, holiday invitations; join karma mischief now, our party quite ready.
I'm bored, doing something else now.
