Sat 15 Oct, 2005 03:22 am
Many threads have sported puns unpunished, but maybe we should gather them all together in one avoidable thread.
A Puritan is a man who noes what he likes.
Children under fourteen must be accompanied by money and daddy.
Her jokes are like her eyes, blue as the sea only cornea.
Oklahoma finance company: The Loan Arranger.
A soupçon is a little bit only morceau.
Or maybe not...
Interesting idea~~~
Nothing to place here for now though...hopefully later.
I love puns. I once entered a punning contest, run by a local newspaper. I sent in 10 deifferent puns, hoping one of them would win. But no luck. No pun in ten did.
King Midas had a gilt complex.
My bicycle can't stand up by itself because it is two-tyred.
Any Parisian who tries to commit suicide by drowning is in Seine.