Assalamualaikum wrb Brothers and Greetings to sincere seekers,
There is one God , Muhummad(pbuh) is his prophet and that the Quran is true.
It is true because it invites us to believe in one God as our real selves realise and further to then pray to God and be charitable to the poor. What can be clearer than that. So we are not confused by the media distortions of Islam nor seduced by other religions which may be appealing though ultimately false we have a benchmark which is a book called the Quran which is a miraculous book from God and as much a miracle as raising the dead.
As a Mathematician, the miracle of the Index is extremely significant ... eg :
The Holy Quran is divided into 114 suras (chapters) each subdivided into between 3 and 286 (ayats):
Let us assign a value Sn, An to each of the 114 chapters depending on its order and number of verses.
Referring to the Quran it is observed that (S1,A1), (S2,A2) .........(S114,A114) = (1,7) , (2,286) ....... (114,6).
Total (S1+S2+..S114) is found to be 6555 and Total(A1+A2+...A114) is found to be 6236.
Consider the sum of each sura and ayat, i.e (S1+A1), (S2+A2)
If odd put in one column -
If even put the sums in another column
Then the totals of all the odd sums is found to be 6555 and the total of the even sums is found is founds 6236. This can be verified with a Quran.
Imagine having two bags one has 6555 fair coins another has 6236 coins all mixed up and tossed in the air and exactly 6555 land heads and 6236 land tails. This is so improbable as to constitute a miracle. Unlike other numeric claims which are difficult to verify . This is verifiable -(a copy of the quaran and O level maths) and 100% true.
Furthermore the Quran itself asks one to consider the even and the odd (see verse 89:3).
(For the mathematician/those with a knowledge of Prime density):
That both Sum1-114 (Sn+An) and Sum1-114(SnAn) are primes is highly significant. The Quran's Index is also binary symmetric, and binary symmetric with respect to both Prime and Perfect numbers - See the work of Dr Ayedmar
Best Wishes
Muhummad Rohan
PS Gauss was a great mathematician, You have chosen an intelligent role model from which I infer that you are intelligent please use your intellect to verify my claims and then come to Islam and have as a role model the most noble of creation the Prophet Muhummad (saw) who said something like the "best of you now in Islam was the best of you in the time of ignorance" and use your intellect to advance the cause of God and get an immense reward in this world and the one to come. Please accept the invitation to come to Islam - All you need to do is say "There is one God and that Muhummad(pbuh) is his prophet" and then act upon it by saying your prayers and giving charity.