Wed 12 Oct, 2005 09:42 am
A large branch was broken off my pussy willow tree. While this year's leaves are still attached, the leaf buds for next years leaves seem to be large enough to form catkins.
My question: I've carefully removed this year's leaves and have only the bare branches in a vase. Should I add water or not?
While I'm hoping for catkins, I'd have no objections if some of the little twigs developed roots.
If they are very small buds I would try wet. I've gotten them to pop later in the year just by bringing them in the house, but this time of year they might need a little more time to fill out and the water might buy them that time.
Green Witch--
Thanks. Outside the catkins usually pop out towards the end of January, so I'm not hopelessly early.
Hold your dominion.