Sat 8 Oct, 2005 06:39 am
Hi colossus fans. Has anyone completed the giant cryptic colossus for October 05? anyone solved 22a "direction given in sacred work from Seoul"? and 30d paradoxical term for work-free 24 hours and 55d in flight assistance? Any help would be much appreciated.
verso wrote:Hi colossus fans. Has anyone completed the giant cryptic colossus for October 05? anyone solved 22a "direction given in sacred work from Seoul"? and 30d paradoxical term for work-free 24 hours and 55d in flight assistance? Any help would be much appreciated.
Hi Verso
I have the following for:
22a= korean
30d= labourday
55d= bannister
Regards Dutchy
Great stuff! Now the only clue I have left is 68a which is "so close in a way" and if bannister is correct that makes is T?U?. An ideas for that one?
Colossus Cryptic
Hi Verso
Try THUS for 68a
Regards Dutchy
Could be TAUT -- close meaning tight,snug.
Giant Cryptic 100
Can anyone help please
1d Sticky-toed prey for egret, perhaps.
I have t?e???o?
It is two words of 4.
Giant Cryptic 100
Thank you for the clue Tree Frog.
Can someone please help with one more
'Just rely on graduate' I have ?o?e?y
Hi Corly,
I have barely (BA plus rely) which doesn't fit all your letters - try balance for 53A.
Giant Cryptic 100
Thanks Sumi, Yes I did have 53a wrong.