On a scale of 1 to 10, how's your life?

Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 02:42 pm
Frank, I will be around next week, but after that, I can't promise anything. Maybe...
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 02:58 pm
Can it get any sweeter than being the president of the local bug collection club? I think not!

Life is sweet.
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Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 02:58 pm
Dude, that is the shiznit!
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Bella Dea
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 02:59 pm
Kicky, tell your cousin thanks but I prefer my men a little less hairy.
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Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 03:01 pm
Okay, I'll let him know, and I will also make sure I shave my back hair for our date.
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Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 03:07 pm
As an only child whose parents died long ago, and a divorcee without children, I don't have many people in the way of family, though I do have several cousins a thousand miles or three away. However, I did love my parents and liked them much of the time, so the memories are good up to the years of hard times for them.

Am still part of my husband's family in a way, in that I am close to my niece and still keep up with husband and his brother from time to time.


Probably because I moved a lot as a child and didn't have all that much family around at many points, I've fostered the friendships that happened and still do with phone calls once in a while, the occasional email.
Some pals are coming up to see me in a couple of weeks, no small thing since that's about 1600 miles of driving.

Keeping in touch with people, even once every two or three years, gives me some sense of continuity and well-being.



I don't know what I want to do when I grow up. (I nearly 64, like the song.)
Do more landscape design? Teach landscape design? Have another gallery? Do none of that and paint for as long as I can survive with tiny income? Finish my famous to me book on piazzas? Do medical transcription and one of the above? Find a man who loves me and I love back who has a nice bank account (fat chance)? Win the lottery?

5 - because I have options, only 5 since I'd like to retire and paint and travel. (I am still going to travel, somehow.)

In order to have any money at all in the future I have to move from my present house and find a place where I can have no or low housing payments (I have no pension, alimony, etc.) and do that by using the equity in this house, which went up for sale this week. Bad timing re market, please cross your fingers. Plan to move to Albuquerque, have friends there and like the place.

7 - which could quickly go down to a 1 if housing market crashes.

see above.

5 - things could be worse, hard to complain. Things could be way better.


8 - I've weathered some problems, appreciate my present health.


9 - I'm personally pretty happy, like being me, now.

AVERAGE - 7.25
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Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 03:18 pm
Yeah, that sounds like a purty good life, Osso. I noticed you added your dog. I have a cat. Should I add that in there? Naaah, I like the pitiful score I have now.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 03:22 pm
Having been the black sheep of our family, I guess the obvious answer is quite evident; 10.

Our circle of friends in the San Francisco Bay Area are people I have known for over 40 years when all of us were single. We still get together about three times a year with the January New Years Party held at our home during the second or third week. Those of us that got married never divorced out of seven couples and three single ladies.
I also have friends all over the world, most I have met on tours, and some through the internet and a2k.
Oerall ranking: 10.

I have been very lucky in my career although it started relatively late - at age 32. I went to work for Florsheim Shoe Company as a traveling auditor in the seven western states after graduating from college. Was promoted to audit manager after 3.5 years. I worked in management for the rest of my working career, and also did consulting work. Considering I barely graduated from high school, I'd have to give it an overall ranking of 10.

As most of you already know, I live in Silicon Valley - or the Heart of Silicon Valley. We've lived here since the early seventies when housing prices were about 7 percent of what they are today. We are now sitting on a prime real estate worth more than three-quarter million with no mortgage. Although I've been ready to move when I retired in 1998, my wife loves it here.
Overall ranking of 10.

I know I'm a fortunate guy who's had my share of good luck, although my childhood was a bummer.
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Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 03:24 pm
what is this here life thing you're talking about
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Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 04:54 pm
This is a great thread Kicky Smile


I have a great husband and family. My daughter has moved back home with us, bringing a granddaughter, which has livened up our once quiet household. Anyone that is a grandparent will know how extremely wonderful it is to have your grandchild included in your everyday life.
But on the downside, my parents are getting much older and are not able to carry out daily tasks as well as they used to. My Mom has been sick for the last two years, and from time to time I get teary eyed with thoughts of losing her. They live within walking distance, so I see them often and help out as much as I can.

Overall ranking: 8


Not as many friends as I used to have; it seems we are all caught up in our own lives…and some true friends have passed away. But we still occasionally have neighbor friends over, play cards, have a barbecue, or go off on a week-end to see friends who live out of town. I think that a lot of us here on A2K, come to this forum to find close contact with others, and that in part is socializing.

Overall ranking: 8


I lost my longtime job a couple of years ago…the company downsized and my job was eliminated. My husband is currently the breadwinner in our home. I intend to return to the work force once I find a job that's agreeable.

Overall ranking: 7


We own our home in a quiet and safe place in the burbs

Overall ranking: 9


Not rich, (not real important to me) but the bills are always paid on time.

Overall ranking: 7

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Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 05:09 pm

Sucks...I have some, but basically none. They are just a few miles down the road...pass by every Sunday to go to church, but can't drive the half mile down the road to see me, or even stop to let me feed them breakfast. Sister...I have one...read "my sisters in a pickle" and you'll understand that concept. lol
Overall ranking: 2

FRIENDS/SOCIAL LIFE: When there is time for it, its great. I have many friends that I do find a few minutes here, there and yonder to sit and visit with. But lately, its been null and void. Husbands been ill, kids have had ballgames and I have had to work over. Not to count, school work over load at times.

Overall ranking: 5

JOB: I love my job. Despite some of the customers that I have to deal with. But my job is also part of my social life. I interact with people so much so, that I have gotten to know them better than before, and those that I didn't know, I do now...lol

But it has its pitfalls...the pay could be a lil better for all I do. And help is short again, so it puts more of a work load on me....

Overall ranking: 6

PLACE TO LIVE: Well, can't beat where I live, its quiet...pretty and home.

Overall ranking: 8

Total- 21/4=5.22
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Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 05:17 pm
Re: On a scale of 1 to 10, how's your life?



Hmmm......I have lots of friends, (though recently I lost one to attrition (not lived in same city for 21 years, often not in same country, and one died) BUT everyone is so busy working, and so stuffed after work, that we do not have nearly as much fun as we used to. I mean, we still have lots of fun when we get together, but it isn't often enough.



New job is fine, though I really miss my old team, and being able to walk to work is fabulous.







You missed partner, though.

I recently broke up with mine, which is fine, but I am missing partneredness.


That would make it 6.4

But, that is still kinda inaccurate, cos I lost my family (mostly) a long time ago, and I am not really a 1 for that at all, though it has its effects.

But, never mind!
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Reply Fri 7 Oct, 2005 10:27 pm
Great topic, kicky! Gotta go, but will be back Saturday to give my account... :wink:
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Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 08:59 am
Well lets see
Well my uncle died last January, my father figure is sick and probly is going to die in a year or two, I live with my mother and all i really want to do is just get away from it all.
Over all ranking: 1
Friends/Social Life
Humm Well i have grown apart with all of my friends. have not talked to my best friend in about a week. Also my guy is being an ass and i don't wanna talk to him to work it out.
Over all ranking: 2
Well considering i am still looking for a job and it is not going very well
Over all ranking:0
See above.
Well this is about the only good thing i have in my life right now, besides my stuffy nose.
Over all ranking: 9

Over all average: 2.4

Wow i beat kickycan by about .85 points!
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Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:14 am
Re: On a scale of 1 to 10, how's your life?
I love my mother dearly. She is next to a best friend.
I have an aunt here in Austin with me who is also a tremendous person.
My husband is a wonderful man and a great match for me.
My daughter.. well..DUH.. i think she is perfect as well. Very Happy
If I have to include everyone who is " socially" considered family , then i would have to include the MIL.. I dont consider her anything more then an intrusion.. so that brings down my over all ranking
Overall ranking: 8

I am working on changing my social life. As of.. err.. about a month ago? It was non existant. I have found a few new friends and a walking/excersize buddy Very Happy to this is looking up..
I do have a best friend but I dont see her much since she lives in Rio Rancho NM, 800 miles away from me :-( but I love her dearly and she adds to the equasion as well.
Overall ranking: 5

I have not had a job in a while.. had a hard time finding one.
So, I created one and so far it is wonderful. I work my own schedule, can arrange my OWN hourly rate.. I can still be an at home mommy AND bring in money... it is just starting but.. so far, this is the best idea I have had in most of my little life time!
Overall ranking:7

Oh holy hell.. Can I use a negative here???
We are living with MIL.. nothing else to say.
Well, the neighborhood is quiet, we DO have alot of room in the back yard, and Bean has her own room.. so there are a few plus' to it..and it would be great.. but I wont go into that..
Overall ranking: 1

so, my life is a :

jesus christ.. i would think it would be better then that..
then again.. that IS a pretty accurate " description" of my life I guess.
I would throw in a few points to raise it because I have begun working to change a few things and that makes me feel better OVER ALL..
i would say, my life is about a 7.
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Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 09:18 am
I don't want to quantify right now, maybe after next week.

The family that I have left, I enjoy immensely.

I'm a Board Member of a Non-Profit that does work I find very rewarding and useful for the community.

My good friends I have held close for many years, the ones I thought might become friends drifted away.....and that was a good thing.

My only problem right now, is that my dog Sadie is in a great deal of pain and after exhaustive tests and numerous specialists.....they believe that over 7 discs in her spine are ruptured. We will take her in for surgery on October 12th. I am dreading the surgery and the long recovery because she will not understand what is happening and will be very distressed.
My only options are to: do nothing, let her remain in constant pain and continue to lose control of her legs: Put her down (can't do that); or have the surgery. I feel I must give her a chance to regain strength and to be painfree.

So I'll have a better idea how things stack up about 2 weeks after surgery.
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Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 02:31 pm
I am lodging with my grandparents, who I am very close to, my Mum and brother live within walking distance and we are very close too. My step-dad passed away Jan '04, and I haven't spoken to my Dad who lives in the same town for about a year. We don't get on. Family life is pretty good, give or take the arguments, and our tempers.
Overall ranking: 8

I don't really have a social life, work is where most of my friends are, as many of my other friends are married and/or have kids now. I don't really like pubs or clubs, preferring gatherings at home - which is impossible where I currently live! I'm on a loser with this one, it's bad now, but once I'm living alone again, it always improves.
Overall ranking: 2

I like my job, sometimes it is challenging, and other times it's easy. I work with a good bunch of people, and mostly enjoy it when I am there. The money isn't great, but right now the enjoyability outweighs the money side.
Overall ranking: 8

I'm lodging with family, hardly have any space for all of my furniture as I moved from my own house into here with everything, I have to be quiet, music is always on headphones, I respect that my grandparents like to stick to their schedules, so I try not to upset the balance, and often turn down invitations out so I don't come back late and wake them up. Has all the amenities I could require, but just isn't the same as my own place Sad
Overall ranking: 5

OVERALL: 5.75 (I hope i've done that right?!)
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Reply Sat 8 Oct, 2005 02:37 pm
I added an important category: "Negative things going on in my life". I think this could be a significant factor in somebody's current outlook on their life.

I love my family, my wife and two daughters. I would be lost without my wife. She's everything to me. My mother, who lives nearby, is still in good health and I have a good relationship with her. My only sibling is a sister who lives in the northern part of this province. I rarely see her, but we try to keep in contact by email. Not so much sometimes. I miss my father very much who died in 1991.

Friends /Social Life
I have no friends "in person". I don't really see this as a negative, but in light of this survey, I guess I have to. I don't really have what is called a social life either. My wife and I mostly keep to ourself and are private people.

I hate my job. Always have. It provides the necessities of life. I don't consider it a career. The only good part about it all is that it is all coming to an end within 3 months when I go on pre-retirement leave.

Place to Live
My wife and I are reasonably happy with the community in which we live. Sometimes it gets a bit too hot in the summer and the air show drives us nuts for 3 days, but overall, it's not bad.

As far as our townhouse is concerned, well we finally own it now, which is good. The home is nice, but the neighbors rather suck. We're not 100% sure if we will stay here until we die. It depends on a few things.

We're not rich people by any standards, but we do have a little bit of money tucked away for retirement. I do have a private company pension plan. I also have plans to have a part-time job for a few hours a week, to help fight inflation and unexpected bills, etc. I'm not too worried about money, but one must always be careful.

Well, in this department, who knows what the future will hold. I am a cancer survivor from 1995. I was very fortunate in that regard. If it had not been caught early by accident, I'd probably not be here now. I really don't have any other health concerns at the moment. I plan to make sure and get enough excercise after I retire.

Negative things going on in my life
Stress from worrying about a lawsuit that's been hanging over my head for a few months now. I was involved in a bad car accident back in December 2003 and was ruled 100% blameless by the insurance company. The other party doesn't see it that way, so they're taking it to court. I'm sure I'll end up winning, but it's the worry of getting from here to there.

Currently, the company I work for and my union are in contract negotiations for a new contract which is not going well. I'm holding my breath that there is no job action of any kind between now and the end of the year when I go on my pre-retirement leave.

I do worry about my wife's health from time to time. She suffers from high blood pressure and has a family history (big time) of heart trouble from various relatives. Lots of folks have died - some young.

Overall score: 5
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Reply Sun 9 Oct, 2005 03:57 pm
Hhhhmmmm I see a strong correlation between posting here and having a crappy social life ... no surprise there.

Otherwise, I'll have to get back here later - I have to work right now (internet cafe closes in two hours)
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Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2005 01:13 pm
nimh wrote:
Hhhhmmmm I see a strong correlation between posting here and having a crappy social life ... no surprise there.

Speaking for myself, there are times I actually prefer interacting with people here, rather than in person.
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