Thu 29 Sep, 2005 07:06 pm
What is the windiest place on Earth?
Can't really top that! Wait, unless we consider the English Parlaiment.
Windiest in terms of constant wind or highest wind speeds? Iceland is waaaayyy windy. A calm day is when winds die down to 35mph. I'd think the Aleuitian Islands would be about the same.
This event\place occurs when Gus, Slappy, and Kicky get together in one place to chew the fat?
The peak of Mt Washington has the fasted recorded wind speeds.
Great Falls, Montana, claims to be the windiest city in the US.
Ah, Mt Washington claims the fastest recorded wind GUST......
"In April of 1934, observers measured a wind gust of 231 mph, which remains a world record for a surface station."
Montana isn't even here, roger.
<gustav shakes his head sadly as he realized roger is losing it>
I prefer not to discuss Montana's Great Falls.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:The halls of congress
Nice try Gus but littlek gets the virtual cigar, it's the houses of parliament.
On a more serious note I think Husker has it with Antartica, I remember David Attenborough on one programme saying it was the dryest coldest and I think he said windiest place on earth.
Antarctica is the windiest place on earth except the summit of Mt. Washington. Three air currents all meet at the pinnacle of the mountain, causing speeds that are often over 200 mph.
Read Frank Harris's description of the Lord Mayor's Banquet.
That's a seminal masterpiece.Are you of a nervous disposition?
My Life and Loves by the man who dried my ears at a very tender age.Google it.It's very famous but might not be available in red state libraries.