Tue 27 Sep, 2005 08:37 pm
Hi. I was given a cell phone awhile back, from a friend who says they found it....(i dunno)......It's unable to be hooked up because it is locked. Is there any form of unlock codes for such things? Or any other way to go about making this this work, like trying to hook it up through a different service provider, or is it pretty much just trash? Thanks!
Assuming your story is true, if your "friend" really "found" the phone, and they didn't report it or hand it in to the police, then they committed the crime of "stealing by finding". Since you (a) know about them "finding" it, (b) suspect that story is false anyway (you wrote "I dunno") then you also committed a crime by receiving it. You are committing a further crime by keeping it.
Nobody on here should help you to break the law.
That cell phone is not "trash", it is somebody's property!
Yes, you are right. I have tried tracking down the owner of it by phoning numbers that were in the phone......I got no where. So rather then throwing it out, thought some one might get some use out of it. I already have one of the latest cell phones, I have no use for it. Just seems like a waste to throw it out......But thanks for pointing that out to me!