Mirage wrote:Talking about rock, it is found that many, many groups have songs in which, when you reverse, they put satan messages, such as "Satan I love you" etc. So Thunder, you can't say what you said(wrote).
I believe those are all big hoaxes, but if you'd like to prove me wrong I'd be happy to listen. It is a very interesting subject, these satanic messages. I wish they would do a 20/20 over it, I'd watch. In fact I'll start a thread over it here in a sec...
And, I'm not trying to insult rap or anything, I'll admit I don't like it, but I just think it is....morphing. It's changing from rap to something similar, yet different. I know hardly anything about the sub-genres of rap, but whatever it is changing into, it is changing to something different. I don't want to get into a battle about which is better, rap or rock. I think we can just agree that everyone on this thread loves music.