Hey. I've got a lil situation with Blackie, the two year old cat I have had for about six months. I have one other cat, Boo, who is a permenant addition to the family. Boo is 9 yrs old and fat/lazy.
Blackie gets into a lot of trouble around here. She knocks stuff over, she constantly attacks Boo, and she sometimes will bite me out of nowhere. She is a sweetheart; but she acts a little weird sometimes. I'm wondering if this could be due to her being moved around so much; or if it is just her personality.
Blackie apparently was bought at a pet store. Then the original owner gave her away to another couple. Then that couple gave her away to another couple. This couple left the country for two years and asked a friend of mine to watch her in that time. He had to get rid of his cats (due to his landlord finding out about them and threatening to boot him out). So, I took her in.
I found out that in a few months the 'owners' will be coming back and 'may or may not want her back'.
I feel somewhat pissed about that ambiguous statement. I wonder if they see her as just a toy or what?! I have grown to love her a lot, and I know I'll do what I have to when the time comes...but for now?!
Does it affect a cat's development when it switches homes so often? Could this be the reason she is somewhat 'touchy' and 'moody' sometimes?
I don't know what occured in the other homes. I don't know if she was loved or abused or what.
Any help from the cat lovers and bearers of cat-wisdom would be appreciated. I'd like my little Blackie to be as happy as she can be.