Region Philbis wrote:edgar, shewolf, mac -- are your windows boarded up / taped up?
I taped the windows yesterday. You gonna come and help me scrape off the masking tape residue on Sunday?

It should be nice and baked on by then.
I'm nearly ready. Still have some re-arranging of things inside and want to take some trash out to the dumpsters now before the rain gets here. Preemptive refrigerator/freezer cleanout and such.
I baked batches of my famous cookies and brought them to my sister and brother and their families this morning. (We all live in the same part of town.) The kids were happy about the cookies. The grownups want me to stay with them. But I'll be fine, I'm sure of it.
I'm more worried about my car than I am about me. I hope it can weather the storm okay. I haven't even made the first payment yet!