Tue 20 Sep, 2005 07:39 pm
I heard Jeffrey Dahmer would drill a hole into his victim's heads, and put some sort of acid in there, and the people would turn into zombies.
Is this true at all?
If so, how the heck does that work?
You have to ask Karl Rove, he's the expert of creating zombies.
Lay off the sauce, Carbon. It's starting to take its toll.
Cant help Im afraid but a college friend of mine was obsessed with Dahmer, taping all his tv appearances.
Id never heard of him using acid.I thought he just hit his victims.
Merry Andrew wrote:Lay off the sauce, Carbon. It's starting to take its toll.
Very funny.
I'm no canabal, I was only curious
Hey carbon~
Jeffrey did use acid he also used other household supply because he was curious to see what it would do. he didn't want his victims to leave him so he would try to incapacitate his victims to get them to stay but they would die and so he'd try something else.
He admitted to this when he took the stand at his trial.

hope this is what you wanted
Thanks, that's what I was looking for I believe.