Sat 17 Sep, 2005 12:25 pm
who is Prufrock? Is there significance in the name?
You're an English major and you've never heard of "The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock"??? It's one of T.S. Eliot's best known poems. have heard of T.S. Eliot? Please say yes.
I've never heard of this Prufrock or that Eiliot person either, could I become an english major too?
I thought you was one, Dys. Oh, wait. No, you're an American captain.
Yes, of course I have heard of it! I'm reading it, for crissakes! My question was: what significance is there in the name J. Alfred Prufrock? Why was that name chosen?
And yes, thanks, I have done search engines, but nobody seems to know why Eliot chose that name. Maybe Eliot didn't know either. He was kinda weird.
so, how are you with Ben Jonson? Like his plays? I eschew obfuscation myself. Which is why I don't enjoy TS Eliot; banker, joined Anglican Church later in life & became conservative, was probably bipolar from his scribblings. A confused fellow.....