Mon 12 Sep, 2005 09:19 pm
that's the title of a piece of spam i received today.
So did you go toffe slosh, or not? Does Jespah know about this?
Go get me a toffee slushie!!! You're closer.
I like the sound of toffee slosh. Is that like maple syrup ice?
Mmmmm, molasses in January...
I think it's more an example of why not to translate Mandarin directly into English.
Well, the Greeks would hate that, you know.
Right, and he may be right that (some of) the english don't like that. Though they usually like english.
All this is reminding me of a blind date...
<and let me be quick off the mark to say that I'm execreble in speaking italian. Total nincompupa, after many lessons. >
tonight's doozy --
Re: Not open my petard gobble
Are you people being rude to some damn boxy guy?
What is doozical about "Not open my petard gobble".
EVERYONE knows that is very unwise.
I swear you Americans didn't used to be so dumb before Bush!
oz spam -- shoulda guessed...
If you open your petard gabble, you can't be hoisted by it.
Yeah, it's the gobble that has hoist so many.
I know you hang pheasants. How long should you hang a turkey?
Noddy24 wrote:I know you hang pheasants. How long should you hang a turkey?
That, is indeed a loaded question.
You could hoist them en brochette...
Though they both tend toward dryness, so they should be marinated, or you should be marinated; timing is all.
One should smear it with a thick coating of butter, and rub it furiously for ten minutes.
Then go and buy a Turkey, and hang it in the cold store.