The Hilton painting is too static for my taste. Looks a bit like a logo for a product. Wouldn't want to say what the product is. I have seen other works by him...liked them.
Speaking of gold, and depth-or-not, I just ran across this link as I was trying to cut down on my long long long list of save to favorite links and organize them -
The gallery interests me, and this image does - if the one I am talking about shows up...
nuts, it doesn't work, back in a bit.
OK, here's the image, I hope. It interests me, at least this morning, as does the artist's work in general, and as does the gallery.
Yes, Osso, a very interesting website/gallery. Thanks. I suspect I will visit it often. I credit Fujimura with great courage. Monochromatic paintings are easily boring, but I like numbers: 1, 4, 5, and 9. Gold is very dangerous, so likely to be gawdy and to reflect too much light. Great taste must guide its use. And s/he does not use excessively pretty colors, i.e., pink, blue, lavendar, etc like so many asian painters do. The pastelist, Wolf Hahn, is most guilty of that, in my judgement.
This thread--only the second I have initiated--has turned out to be a "Critic's Corner", hasn't it?
edited: 2:14 pm, 9/14/05
Yes! It should bode well for more threads by you..
Kahn, I agree with you, as you may remember from when we've discussed him before. That was around the time I was trying to talk about both him and Russell Chatham. I was talking about how I had originally liked what I had seen of their work and really didn't like what I saw on the web. I have books of the work of both. I've lost enthusiasm for Kahn, by and large, though not entirely because of some in the book, and retain enthusiasm for the works in my Russell Chatham book (if not elsewhere) which I plan to scan at some point, asking his permission first. I think he is very protective of his imagery. Well, I'll scan some for private use anyway. The work in the Chatham book is more complicated, much darker than on websites I've seen - sometimes a whole painting of browns.. quite burly paintings.
JLNobody wrote:The Hilton painting is too static for my taste. Looks a bit like a logo for a product. Wouldn't want to say what the product is. I have seen other works by him...liked them.
logo for a product ..... exactly the effect that a
lot of flat art has on me and yes I can see that ..... what product???? in the red light district maybe
Oy oy oy is a bit more lively and does give the sense of his wife waving her arms and shouting in anger! I don't relate to his work, though a friend is highly influenced by him.
I like the gold painting but I'm not so keen on the others. The gold one has changes and depths and movement and that power to sustain, which I don't get from the other work. An interesting gallery, thanks Osso.
This is a gallery I try to visit fairly often
John Davies Gallery
I like the Messum gallery in London
another artist
and another
and another
Interesting galleries, work more to my own particular interests than the SaraTecchia.
We could put links to new shows on those to the gallery show thread...
(I know there are endless galleries, but I enjoy looking at what is going on, and also enjoy websites for themselves.)
The trouble with the links I've shown so far is that by and large they are in certain cities - but not always, there's a gallery in Reykyavik (sp?) on the recent list.
Great links Vivien, thanks. I have so many saved now it's going to take me some time to study them all.
it's nice when our hours coincide and I get some feedback quickly - I've been working at my desk today getting stuff ready for this weekends show so I left the computer online all day.
Yes, I'm enjoying all the links you all come up with as I'd never come across many of them otherwise.
I forget to check the gallery link (idiot me) I
must remember to do so
it's nice when our hours coincide and I get some feedback quickly - I've been working at my desk today getting stuff ready for this weekends show so I left the computer online all day.
Yes, I'm enjoying all the links you all come up with as I'd never come across many of them otherwise.
I forget to check the gallery link (idiot me) I
must remember to do so
Check out this wonderful shape by Franz Marc for an example of beautiful "design." Keep scanning for the image of the cat grooming himself. Sorry, I can't seem to recover the cat with this link address (Walter's link). But it shows some beautiful work by Marc, a wonderful painter, who with his young painter friend, August Macke, died about the same time in WWI.
did you get that from Walter's link in the gallery/museum thread, or is your mention coincidental? There's a new exhibit on Marc that Walter mentioned.
Hmm, I didn't see that. I had a little trouble navigating the site - either my own fault or my computer. I'll try again.
(I'm into the cleaning up stage at my house. Much rather look at art...)
I made a statement regarding the above, but on the wrong thread. I put it on the MuseumGallery thread. Things are getting out of hand.
<wrong thread? no matter...>
lovely work - it took me a while to suss out how to negotiate the site and see the other images - overtired.
I may consider going down to see it.
I knew and liked that cat one already but hadn't seen most of the more representational early work.
Yes, I've saved a number of them to my favorites files, plus the link as a whole.
from Trieff to Twombly....I just posted a new topic...a new discovery...stemming out of a change of mind on my part. Want to participate?