Sat 27 Aug, 2005 01:09 pm
Can you help solve the following clues:-
Just out of eggs (10) ??????i?g?
Space Ahead (5,4) ????e ?o?m
Widespread hatred (5) ?????
Send packing (5) ?????
Better sportsman (7) ??????r
Many thanks
Just out of eggs (10) hatchlings
Space ahead --- SPARE ROOM ????
Send packing --- EVICT ???
Hello there!
If hatchlings is correct spare room would actually begin with the H as in
H???? room, any ideas. If I could get the answer to the rest it would be a great help especially Widespread Hatred (5).
Sorry-know nothing about hatred.
How about HOUSE ROOM as in I would not give it space?
Hello Carditel
If House room is correct can you get widespread hatred U????
It's difficult