Twice??? Never happen here! Once is super rare. We used to have neighborhood taps with friendly regulars.
I'd take my daughters down to John Kula's 'saloon' for a beer - they got orange soda, maybe once a week (they had an excellent pork tenderloin sandwich). After a while one of them would come up to me and say "Daddy, let's go over to John Kula's saloon and get a beer."
I live in another small town these days and I'd never take a child into the local bar.
At John's place (his sister was my secretary at the plant I worked at), it was a family place you could take your children, on weekends there'd be a steak or tenderloin or fish night. The smokers would abstain, the music was never too loud and people had a nice evening. Every town had a place or two like this and in the cities most neighborhoods had a tap.
These days two drunks duking it out in a smoke filled bar with screamingly loud music is about all you can find.
When we got here, we tried out Mr B's. We went in the afternoon and the patrons were barflies who checked us out as we came in the door, squinting to figure out if we were wives, bosses, someone they owed money to, process servers or the cops.
Never went back. And by reading the town police reports it may have gotten worse.
Funny how the things I miss most are the things I made fun of as young buck.