You can not get rid of "Damaged Hair". You could only do the following.
1. Eat foods that will promote hair growth ( like caviarr ) or anything that will trigger this.
2. Feed your scalp with egg yolk ( or whites ) and cyan pepper ( to open the pores ). You need to read up on this. Basically your scalp is alive ( an organ ) but your hair is dead made out of protein, Your hair is more or less a type of sponge material. You could literally make a mixture and put that on your scalp and then pressure it via wrapping it. Then you wait for etc time ( remember this is still food ) and wash it out afterwards. Again it is the scalp not the hair.
3. Drink black tea, green tea, herbal etc AKA "The real stuff".
4. I myself ( back then ) would wash my scalp with aloe, and would make my head ( scalp ) and hair soft ). Point bein.
5. Glycerian is the only ingredient in any shampoo or soap that does any "cleaning". Do not use "Sulfur" based shampoos unless you just need to really clean the hair because after washing your hair /scalp looses important oils.
6. I use "Blue Magic" ( the green hair oil ). Whatever you use after you get out of the shower, you need a small amount of something to "lock in" the hair moistness so it could rebuild itself over time.
7. That being said conditioner is meant to bring back some of those oils, and some can linger even after your down washing your hair.
8. Keeping your hair up inside an "Onion" ( not an Afro, or bun ). A bun is when your knot your hair because you do not want it to flock out, that is why guys have their hair in a bun often. Not like Princess Leia buns which are fashionable. This promotes growth as the hair grows upwards. Not downward, not side to side, but upwards on the top of your head.
9.Your hair needs to be moist, and kept in check when your not outside and if your outside then keep a hat on your head. Why? The sun is pure radiation ( energy ) and is on even during the night ( try a long term exposure with a camera ). So your outside with the sun hitting the top of your head your are annihilating it