Thu 18 Aug, 2005 04:14 pm
Hi, I'm interested in getting a kitten. My old roommate had a cat that was so friendly it wouldn't leave your side, but she picked him out because his head was sticking out of the litter box, so I don't think she knew what he was going to be like, but this is the type of cat that would like to get myself. I've been told though that kittens that are friendly may not be friendly when they grow up. Is this true? Is there any good way to tell when I get a kitten whether it's going to be cuddly or not? Thanks!
Oh, pick the one that's friendly now. They will all become somewhat less dependent/affectionate as they get older, but the ones that are independent now will stay that way. The ones that are friendly now, won't become as aloof as the others. This, at least, is typical of my three cats.
Thanks so much.

I can't wait until I get one!
i think it depends more so on how you treat them as to what thier personality is.
If you keep in mind that the moment you take them from their litter YOU become thier 'alpha' so to speak and behave as such.. they will remain close to you.
brushing reminds them of their moms
eye contact is a threat
food is a peace offering and a gift
toys are a challange- who gets it first is the alpha of the game
By brushing, do you mean petting or the actual brushing from grroming?
brushing from grooming.
It loosens old hair and causes a 'pull' that was done first by the spines of their mothers tongue
I didn't know that, but it sure makes sense.

If it's soft, relaxed, and purrs, it's a keeper. I have two that don't really like to be touched much but they love us. Those two never did like to be touched, though, and they still don't purr. My new half-grown kitten lies on her back and purrs, so now I will have 3 cats because I love her too much.
The first two were rescued, so, who knows...
It's nice to rescue, too, but if you want a loving pet, get a kitten being raised in a loving home where the kittens have been handled, preferably at least 8 weeks old as the mother will have taught them a few things, like not to scratch & bite so much.
Oh cool! You're getting a kitten :-D
We got our beautiful little kitten from the SPCA last year and I picked her because she looked so depressed that I had to take her home. The fact that she was snow white, fluffy and beautiful with big blue eyes didn't hurt either.
She was a cuttle lap kitten, but she has grown to be more independent and not at all a lap cat.
She is still affectionate and follows me everywhere, but she just doesn't like to be held for too long and is not a lap cat.
I couldn't think of any other cat I'd want.
I think If they are playful when kittens, you'll find a more affectionate cat.
The people at my pet store tell me they notice that male cats are much more affectionate as they get older and as someone who has had male and female cats, I tend to agree.
I prefer females because I don't like a cat that's overly clingy.
Good luck and have fun :-D
geez I dont know little furry friends are little monsters, they are half burmese so they tend to be quite voicy, they are the most intelligent and naughty little cats I have ever had...they paw my bedroom door every morning at 7am to let me know they want breakast 'now!'
They take off with my earings and hair ties so I tend to think Im losing it, when I know Ive only just put them down.
They think its good fun to climb or should I say claw, all the way up my market umbrella and belt the crap out of each other to see who gets to perch on the top!
If Ive fallen asleep on the couch, I always get woken up from one licking my eyelashes, which is just grose LOL
...I wouldnt trade them for the world, you will get a lot of enjoyment from your kitten, my 2 are females.
LOL they sound like they're a lot of fun. I don't know about the eyelash thing tho.hehe