"Doin' Delicate Tings"
by Moose da Bulldog
(Author of "How to Eat Furniture")
'Sing For Your Supper' - Bud G Reegar
@P E Dant,
'The Lord Of The Flies' - Liz Arde
"Shaddup and Eat yer Gazelle!"
By Tony Tiger
"Ooo -- Tourists are Watching!"
By Jim Panzee
"If You Really Like Saying, 'No, no, no'...You Should Have Adopted A Dog."
By Kitty Kat Chomps
@Frank Apisa,
'Dog Day Afternoon' - Jack Russell
Legs, slippers and fluffy toys, an erotic adventure by Rover.
"Interpreting Human Speech"
By Geddown Badboy and Aiysed Noh
"A Cat's Guidebook to Fluffy Toys and What's Inside Them"
by Grizelda the Wonder Cat
'A Book Of Bones' - Bob Katt
"The Trees of Sherwood Forest"
by Rover Barktholomew
(author of "The Redwoods of California -- Heaven on Earth")