And now a hamster just told me that there are no posts in this topic. What's the line for then?
The hamster wants your place in the line.
He can have it. I'm just happy to put some distance between myself and that cat.
I used to be in this line, just saw it again. So, what's goin' on?
I"m at the front of the line... ( looks back and wonders why the great line is behind him )
What's that, anton? Didn't hear you way over there..
Getting 50 people to stand in lline would be fun/.
Getting all 50 to look up in the sky, to see if anyone else looks up would be fun too.
why? what's up in the sky?
scrutinizing sky profusely
grr. I am thinking grilled hamster.
It has been, perhaps, 40 years since I have had a poached egg. I have long since forgotten how to cook a poached egg. I am looking at my 1953 version of The Joy of Cooking. I can see why. A tricky task to poach an egg, although I recall a kitchen device that could achieve the same result as this from Irma Rombauer:
Fill a skillet 2/3rds full of water. Add salt. Adding a teaspoon of vinegar will keep the eggwhites from spreading. Bring the water to a boil and then reduce the temperature to just below boiling.
Break an egg into a saucer and then slip it gently into the water. As the egg cooks, dip some water from the side and pour it over the top. When a film forms over the yolk and the white is firm remove with a buttered skimmer and place on buttered toast.
While you are doing this, everyone else in the house will have gone to McDonald's.
Perhaps this line is as long as it is because someone is so meticulously poaching eggs, one at a time. I hope not.
[size=7][/size]I want grilled cheese sandwiches.
How long is a peice of line???
Please don't go giving me a line on that.
realjohnboy wrote:grr. I am thinking grilled hamster.
grilled hamsters would be needed one is not enough, If everyone picksup on the trend there wont be enough hamsters to run this board.
With the errors that have happened recently maybe they need a vacation.
You suppose lemmings could do the job? As long as we don't piss them off I mean? Those are a dime a dozen...
Cyracuz wrote:You suppose lemmings could do the job? As long as we don't piss them off I mean? Those are a dime a dozen...
Today's close on the lemmings exchange was a gross of lemmings for a penny.
Wow!!! Is this line still going on?
I haven't been around in awhile & it's still here!!!
Are you getting any closer to the end yet?