So why don't we play a game while we wait in this long line
How many people are in this line??
I see at least 100, then it bends around the side of the building.
No, I didn't know you had a thread on him...thanks, nimh.
I got my grilled cheese and soup this morning, so I'm just hangin out until all the beer and grass are gone.
Puff, puff, gulp, gulp..........
It's the end of the line folks and what's that I see on your face? Surprise? Yes. It's me -God-
Y'see Heaven is getting full and I am doing some preliminary interviews to see who goes on the A-list, B-list, C-list, etc.
Hmmm, lemme see, certain people were smoking illegal substances while standing in line.
<<licking pencil, and make note of names>>
I do believe someone pee'd on someone else ... notsogood ... where's that Z-list?
Some swearing and cussing and grossness abound. Sigh! This is going to take a while. I think I will have to do one-on-one interviews with some of you tomorrow. In the meantime, I am off to get a tuna sandwich, wait .... maybe not. I think I'll have the turkey sub instead.
Those sinners among you, pray for forgiveness. Depending on my bowel movements tonight I could be in a crappy mood tomorrow so be prepared!
Hey, someboy hold my spot, i'm gonna go hit that hot dog vendor for a coney and a soda . . . wait, wait . . . let me hit that first . . .
Oh oh, God is here---<lights another cigarette, takes another swig of beer---Puff, puff, gulp, gulp..........>
everyone look busy
GODS coming..
And BOY he looks PISSED!
<hides bong under shewolfs hair>
God, I need help. Can you send what I need?
barefoot Tia - still swigging and puffing right in front of me?
shewolfnm - a brazen hussey, but likeable
B-list .... when I finally do smite her (long time in the future) could do with some entertainment in Heaven <check>
Oh Lord, won't ya buy me,
a mercedes benz....
I really hope we haven't been waiting in line at the pearly gates---I definitely got some explaining to do.
Justthefax wrote:God, I need help. Can you send what I need?
Need is such an overused word my child. You don't NEED anything, but you WANT a helluva lot !
<<ouch! -God-s mother slaps -God- across the head for swearing >> Groan!
Bodhisattvawannabe wrote:Chai Tea wrote:And BOY he looks PISSED!
<hides bong under shewolfs hair>
SHE looks pissed!

You are BOTH right. I am ambidextrous.
Gods an ANGRY bitch..
I like her . ;-)
you GO gurl!
Chai Tea wrote:Oh Lord, won't ya buy me,
a mercedes benz....
-God- doesn't "buy"
-God- has unlimited credit cards with the Bank of God and never receives a credit card bill. These are the perks of being CEO of Heaven.