I can see you sorta fumbling to make a comparison between Jehovah's Witnesses and Islam with kinda half-baked justification for the latter.
So lemme help you a bit.
Jehovah's Witnesses not wanting medical procedures is their medical wishes, not a system of law governing others. Under the constitution, we have the right to bodily autonomy (that is, a doctor cannot visit your house, and start jabbing and poking you, taking out organs without your consent).
When Jesus told people "Turn the other cheek" this was a revolution. For thousands of years before this, an eye for an eye and might makes right were the way of the world. Now the world was moving in a direction where states no longer harassed people over their religion. The overall direction of politics was also to at least attempt to have governments based on the will of the people rather than oppression. Christianity paved the way fir other ideas like the Magna Carta. Jesus was ahead of his time.
By contrast, Muhammad lived (according to "history") in a town where people were worshiping a bunch of different religions. This was a high point of peace and religious tolerance. The man proceeded to move from peace to increasing violence, advocating fighting for spoils and marauding people who were just trying to get from point A to Point B. Do you see how I quoted the word history? Robert Spencer doesn't believe Muhammad existed. Other scholars of Islam think that the origin of the movement was actually in Petra, as the land was the wrong fertility, location, and elevation. Mecca was kinda out of the way to be a trade location where many people worshipped. Petra, on the other hand, is even still very fertile and near some of the locations mentioned.
The point? For 1400+ years, Islam has been not "a product of its time" but actually behind its time. When Islam was founded, the world was embracing the teachings of Jesus. Islam was thousands of years of setbacks, and forced fighting.