Wed 10 Aug, 2005 04:43 pm
Need a bit of help
4 across - large-eyed needle - have ?????n
10 across - UK engineer corps soldier - have s?p??r
83 across - draw forth - have ?lig??
Many thanks
10 across -- sapper
83 across -- are you sure of the 'g' in your down word? Because it looks like draw forth might be elicit.
Don't know much about needles.
Thank you for the help
With 83 across l- draw forth ?lig??
I have as 84 down - clule internet's electronic as gyberspace
What do you think??
83 across ---- ELICIT
84 down ---- CYBERSPACE
4 across ---- DARNER
Thank you for the answers, I do appreciate it.
I think 4 across darner is wrong as 6 down clue
is cashews or almonds, answer nuts so darner
doen't fit in
That's got me stumped, Tigiie. There must be a special six-letter word for large-eyed needle. Let us know if you get any more down letters.
Would BODKIN be of any use?
You must have a 5 down that fits in too.
Need help with 15-across "Military band instrument"
If anyone can help it would be most appreciated.
Sorry I forgot to let you know the letters
How many letters, little-one, and any clues? I don't have a copy of the puzzle.
10 letters
Beat me to it, Francis. Good for you.
what about RAT? I ve got R??E?T thanks
I have the answer for 15 across - mellophone