I oddly enough got more than 30% of that. Progress!
I think part of this garbled language has to do with mixing in alot of references that don't seem to work with everyone. The title for instance means just about nothing to me.
Or to put it in another parlance, when I was attending church one Sunday, the minister talked about paths can lead you to confusion or to the truth. I think you've managed to become attacked by demons (or in psychological terms,
I think you have some sort of verbal association thing). The paragraph you just wrote was (nearly) in plain English, though it seems to have strung a great number of points together. But the stuff before kinda wasn't.
I think one of the things to remember is that there are alot of problems in this world. But most of them are better if you are able to talk to someone. Not only does it calm things down, and make it easier to function (I have been known to get weird after not talking to people for awhile too), but often it helps the problem.
In fact, I've become inclined to notice that problems in this world tend to be designed precisely so that we have other people to talk to about them. They are designed as a social icebreaker. For example, if both of us are forced to shovel snow because it's Minnesota and the snow will block our houses, we are likely to be out together, and start a conversation among neighbors.
The confusion that my priest talked about seems to exist when the demons win, when we focus on the problems, and let them eat us up. But the truth is, we can always find a helper, and these devils that plague ua are nothing to fear.