1. Again your being discriminative. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity ( whichever denomination ) all believe in the same god.
2. That is not the trinity. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. That being said the majority do not believe in Christ period and even if they do may or may not acknowledge Christ as god, or if Christ was even on Earth at all. If so many insult the idea of Christ, or anything to do with Catholicism, Christianity, Islam, or any other variant. Just like the rest they insult each other.
Your not going to find a Jewish person in high numbers that will say "yes that is our belief system, and yes I believe in Christ in those terms"
I will tell you what they do have. The four souls ( or is five or six ). Where again the gentile ( non-Jew ) is not only seen as less of an animal ( or something about incapable of doing noble deeds ), and if any soul they have is designated as the animal soul in which dies when the body dies.
Thus as in another topic why religion is pathetic to argue because they all argue that anybody who does not think as they do is made for destruction.
Thus when somebody is sent to prison, is a human baby maker, ends up doing terrible work, they say "Hey they are gentiles, human animals, Like "Transformers" robots in disguise, no biggie".
So justify the annihilation of any one or anything that does not accept them as being "the most acceptable of god".
The only way you will actually see or hear this is if you actually attempt to negotiate with one ( especially men because this is about the men ), and hear their battle cry.
1. Making indirect threats of the authorities.
2. Condemning you via attempt of using power-of-command.
3. Pushing their ideas and living standards on to other people to suite their own means.
4. Creating and proclaiming problems but when somebody talks about them or anything it is anti-Semitic.
5. Constantly broadcasting lies or making an environment where the cult mentality will continue to foster.
!!Just to sum it up anybody claiming themselves as a ____ to feel special.!!
Quran, Torah, Bible etc.... are all the same god, with slight different alterations. That is it. Grow up and accept the reality. You have been bred to hate somebody just for them being ______ person and _____ could be ,
Race, Religion, Culture, or any idea. Thus you mental idea of superiority and preferences of people..............like a lamb being herded off the slaughter house.