Barry2021 wrote:This is not my child but it is my grandchild and I want to be able to spend time with her and have a hand in raising her in any way possible. No, I'm not whining about the situation. I just wish grown adults would think about the greater good than heir own personal ideas.
You need to take your own advice. I think that "baby mamma" is quite smart about keeping her child away from your craziness and your questionable family values. Come on Barry, let's look at the truth...
Your daughter who got knocked up by a deadbeat is college educated, but works as a used car salesman with free daycare for her daughter . You in turn ignore the child while you're at work, since porn takes up most of your spare time.
Your first stepson is a felon, high school drop out with multiple children by different mothers. He has anger issues and the inability to hold a job.
Your second stepson is also a felon. Drug use and domestic violence seems to fill his days.
If you REALLY want to help this "grandchild," give her the gift of not bringing
crazy into her life. Allow her to be normal, under normal supervision with normal people.
Cuz face it Barry, you should not boast about how well you've raised children.