Sun 17 Apr, 2022 01:24 am
First, always assume narcotics as the preeminent incident. That's where the arrest record of anyone starts, at the space of their first arrest, at any age.
Ask the police officer that performed the sergeant's request for the first arrest, if he's ever offended a teacher. Do so by indicating that your client, doesn't like teachers. Every cop, offended a teacher, and took a badge from their first arrest, by refusing to question the police officer after being Mirandized.
Then, get the cop from their first arrest on the stand in court, to prove your client's faculty of awareness (to indicate they are mentally lucid, to refuse motive established by interview with police officer, off of trial docket of course since it's illegal for the police officer to inform the station - but he has), and support the teacher's offense at the police sergeant you interviewed.
Your client, even on the most palpably evil charge, will be placed in an one month asylum, and be given a single cycle anti-depressants at highest care, so he refuses to yield to any individual in the future attempting to press him into an offense on behalf of the superintendent's commission. He will clear as medication free, and the teachers involved, will be removed, pleasing the police.