Izzy, from my perspective I have not seen Chai initiating conversation with you – at least in the past year – it looks like this is the first time she directly do this. Of course, I am not 100% sure but from looking back I have not seen this.
You are 100% correct in that the LBGT community have been significantly impacted by suicide and driven in large part due to the bias and cruelty of others. I have taken training on suicide prevention – although far from an expert, I am aware of how this community has been impacted by this. I remember an incident when I was younger leaving a company party with a friend late at night. There was a couple of jerky guys from the company we overheard saying such cruel and hateful things to a man that was by himself – not sure how this all came about but the man was gay and they were saying such cruel things to him with it ending just go kill yourself. My and I were so horrified. We went over to the man (we had some flowers from the party), gave them to him and tried to soften the blow, apologizing for these boneheads and telling him what a wonderful person he was and that these guys were simply idiots.
I waited to answer you because suicide is something I am very sensitive to (and I know you are as well). Anytime I hear of a person dying by suicide I cry. To think that someone feels so despondent that this is the only way to stop their internal pain rips me up inside. Not to mention I recently had a very close encounter with this – fortunately it was an unsuccessful attempt. I have not shared anything of this because of some people being so insensitive to the topic and where it has such a personal impact to me. As far as the lack of compassion on Chai’s side – I will give you a little insight that the last time I had any sort of correspondence with Chai, was when she belittled the idea of suicide – since then I just don’t say anything.
I do not know what you two and your children may have said to each other via personal messaging obviously as I have not read it so I can only go by what some of the threads I have read. Yes, Chai is often insensitive, yes she often is abrasive, but I do not see her being a bigot at least on the surface. I can see you reading between the lines and I can understand why you could see it that way. As any parent I fully understand you wanting to protect your children - I get it – you are supersensitive about this and I can understand why. I am probably not saying this is the best way – but I also see you being insensitive and cruel – and maybe I am missing something but from my perspective it seems that you and your family ganged up on her and were very cruel in area that is very sensitive to her – it appeared that you both have been mean to one another.
This is the last that I will say about it as I honestly do not want to be in the middle and I am sorry I brought it up as I was just trying to clear the air when someone did not realize who you were referring to as a bigot.